Social media marketing, you should care about it

Social media marketing: you should care about it.

Did you know that social media marketing has a 100% higher lead to close rate than outbound marketing? more importantly… 84% of b2b marketers use social media in some form or shape, it doesn’t really matter what you sell and who you sell it to, using social media can definitely help you grow your brand and pad your wallet and if you don’t, you’re definitely losing money.

Social media used to be considered as a fad generally intended “for the kids”, something that wouldn’t grow to have an impact in the business world. nowadays Social media has been proven to be important in order to give you valuable data and a (mostly) freeway to reach them. Social media is an exemplary way to drive traffic to your company website and that in turn helps you present your brand to the world, simply put: social media posts can be used to drive targeted traffic and using social media for business boosts your site’s SEO, that’s synergy all across the web.

Besides, if you are doing it right, social media can be THE BEST tool to connect with and learn from consumers and industry leaders, you can benefit from actual, real relationship building. It also makes your users more receptive to your messages, and will allow for targeting and retargeting ads, additionaly it can help you get noticed at events and even generate earned media coverage

Finally, it helps you respond to problems immediately, supports you when building brand royalty, and discovers customers you didn’t know existed and makes them buy from you. What’s not to love?

If you want to do social media marketing and you’re not sure where to start, Smb-connects has you covered! With our tools and team, you can take away the stress of managing your business in social media! Ready to start changing your reputation on social media? Get our Free Snapshot Report!